What Is A Bridging Loan And Is One Right For Me?
A bridging alone is essentially an advance, given by a lender to tide the borrower over until an expected source of income comes in. These days the term is most often used in reference to the purchase of property. Typically a bridging loan is used…
Why Should I Use A Mortgage Broker?
When you’re looking to take your next step up the property ladder (or your first one for that matter) you’ll most likely to be looking for ways you can reduce the costs of moving house. That being the case, you may be tempted to disregard…
How Much Does It Cost To Move House?
If you’re moving house you’re probably not expecting it to be cheap. Unfortunately, the colossal commitment of a mortgage is only one in a long list of expenses you’ll have to face in order to move up (or even down) the property ladder. Extra costs…