Over 55? Calculate Your Pension Income Options

Age Partnership are one of the leading UK specialists in pension release.

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24 Jan 2025

Category: Banking



  Yes there are loads of comparison websites that promise ridiculous savings or rates that never actually materialise, we all know that. However having recently used Usave, they are a little different. I can’t comment on their broadband and utilities, but the loan comparison was…


How To Save For A Deposit 

With mortgage lenders potentially asking for relatively large sums to secure a loan, saving for a deposit can feel like a daunting task. According to the Guardian, it takes 37 months on average to save a 10% deposit on the average UK property. If that…


De-Clutter Everything But Your Wallet 

If you’re short on money, you’ll be surprised at how much you can raise simply by plundering your possessions and getting rid of everything you no longer need. Not only will your bank balance receive a shot in the arm, you’ll probably also find you…

Advice On Pension Release

Over 55? Speak to Age Partnership today.