Over 55? Calculate Your Pension Income Options

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24 Jan 2025

Category: Credit


Retirement Interest Only Mortgages 

Retirement interest only mortgages or RIO as they’re sometimes known as, are simply interest only mortgages for the over 55’s but with a few differences. Like an Equity Release scheme, you borrow against the property but with an RIO you pay back the interest, not…


Is A Debt Relief Order Right for Me? 

A debt relief order (or DRO) could provide a path out of severe financial difficulties for people who find themselves with limited options. Like an IVA or bankruptcy, a DRO is a form of insolvency, but, in certain scenarios, it could work out as a…


Why Should I Credit Check? 

Personal finance is an incredibly important aspect of life that needs to be controlled effectively if you want your money matters to run as smoothly as possible. While you may budget each month and put money aside for a rainy day, financial wellbeing involves much…


Why Should I Use A Mortgage Broker? 

When you’re looking to take your next step up the property ladder (or your first one for that matter) you’ll most likely to be looking for ways you can reduce the costs of moving house. That being the case, you may be tempted to disregard…


Master the Art of Stoozing 

Generally speaking, the rate of interest we’re expected to pay on money we borrow far outstrips the rate we’re rewarded with for saving. This is the basic premise that allows lending institutions to turn a profit – they pay less to their investors than they…

Advice On Pension Release

Over 55? Speak to Age Partnership today.