If you’re short on money, you’ll be surprised at how much you can raise simply by plundering your possessions and getting rid of everything you no longer need. Not only will your bank balance receive a shot in the arm, you’ll probably also find you have a lot more living space than before.
Here’s a look at a few ways you can go about getting rid of your unused stuff;
Make Use of the Internet
So, you many not find the idea of spending your weekend attempting to flog your unwanted wares to uninterested passersby at a car boot sale too appealing, but thanks to the rise of free-ads sites such as Preloved, Gumtree et al, it’s easy enough to find a buyer for almost anything without having to venture from the comfort of your home.
Likewise, online auction sites such as e-Bay offer a great way of tapping into a global market. Given the huge number of people bidding on such sites, you have a great chance of finding somebody in dire need of the items you simply don’t have a use for. Just don’t forget to calculate the cost of posting the items to your buyer when weighing up your price.
Hit the Highstreet
If you’re a technophobe, or if you simply prefer to do business face to face, you can take your used items to the highstreet. Specialist second hand retailers are always looking for new stock, from electricals to books and CDs, and will be happy to take them off your hands.
However, it’s not just dedicated second hand stores that you can sell to. Many big highstreet names will also buy used goods. For example, if you’re in possession of a stack of video games you’re not playing anymore, you may be able to trade them for either store credit or cash with your nearest dealer.
(Bear in mind that institutions that also act as pawnbrokers often offer relatively low prices when offering to buy second hand goods and, assuming that you want cash rather than credit, you’ll often be better off finding an alternate buyer.)
Recycle Your Phone
Flogging your unwanted phone can be a great way of getting you hands on some cash. As well as selling the gadget on, you can also benefit from passing it to a company who specialise in recycling mobile phones. Modern handsets are full of valuable components that can be reused. Companies such as Top Dollar Mobile have a freepost system in place, so you don’t even need to factor in the cost of sending it off.
As well as lining your pockets, you’ll also be doing the planet a favour as you’ll be saving precious resources from landfills- a win win situation.